Bobby Bodner

EA, M.S. Tax, Managing Partner - Breadify Financial

Bobby Bodner is co-founder and managing partner at Breadify Financial LLC, a boutique accounting firm that exclusively works with business owners, real estate investors and crypto enthusiasts. Breadify specializes in helping entrepreneurs utilize the Tax Code to minimize their annual tax liability and build wealth for themselves and their loved ones.


Bobby attended Miami University in Oxford, OH where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Business and co-majored in Finance and Business Analytics with honors, and subsequently obtained his Master of Science in Accounting with a concentration in tax from Purdue University Global. Bobby is an active Enrolled Agent with unlimited practicing rights before the Internal Revenue Service and is currently a CPA candidate sitting for Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination (CPA Exam).

Outside of Work

Bobby lives on a ranch about 40 min outside Austin, TX with his wife and two young children, where they enjoy raising chickens, ducks, other farm animals and living off the land.